A bolt used to attach the blind spot detection warning sensor to its mounting point. A Screw that is used to secure the Bumper Corner Cover to it's mounting point. A Screw that is used to secure the Bumper Cover Stay to it's mounting point. A Screw used to attach the blind spot detection warning sensor to its mounting point. A Screw used to secure the Bumper Cover Heat Shield to its mounting surface. Bumper Cover Screw. Bumper Cover Support Rail Bolt. Bumper Cover Support Rail Screw. Tail Light Screw. Included with: Inner Bracket, Side Bracket.
Bumper Cover ScrewBumper Cover Support Rail ScrewBumper Cover Support Rail BoltBumper Cover BoltBumper Impact Absorber BoltTail Light ScrewBlind Spot Detection System Warning Sensor ScrewBumper Corner Cover ScrewBumper Impact Absorber ScrewBlind Spot Detection System Warning Sensor BoltBumper Cover Stay Screw
2011-12. 2013-16. 2013-18, W/O SPORT. 2013-18, W/SPORT. 2013-19. 2015-18, BUMPER & TRIM, SE. 2015-18, BUMPER & TRIM, SEL. 2015-18, BUMPER & TRIM, SPORT. 2015-18, BUMPER & TRIM, TITANIUM. 2016-17, COVERS & BRACKETS, 4.8x19. 2016-17, COVERS & BRACKETS, W/3.5 LITER TURBO, 4.8x19. 2016-17, COVERS & BRACKETS, W/O 3.5 LITER TURBO, 4.8x19. 2018-19, COVERS & BRACKETS. 2018-19, COVERS & BRACKETS, 4.8x19. 2019. 2019, BUMPER & TRIM, SE, SEL. 2019, BUMPER & TRIM, ST. 2019, BUMPER & TRIM, TITANIUM. BLIND SPOT MONITOR, 2013-2016. BLIND SPOT MONITOR, 2017-19. COVER & BRACKETS. W/O TRAILER TOW. W/TRAILER TOW.