All Models; 6 Cylinder; w/o Supercharger; w/o Variable Assist. All Models; 6 Cylinder; w/o Supercharger; W/Variable Assist. All Models; 6 Cylinder; w/Supercharger. All Models; 8 Cylinder. All Models; Cougar/Thunderbird; w/o Susp Handling. All Models; Cougar/Thunderbird; w/Susp Handling. All Models; LTD/Marquis. All Models; Tag No. SPR-CM. All Models; Tag No. SPR-DF. All Models; w/Handling Susp. All Models; w/o Handling Susp. Cougar /Thunderbird; w/Handling Susp. Cougar /Thunderbird; w/o Handling Susp. Cougar/Thunderbird; LTD/Marquis; w/Handling Susp. Cougar/Thunderbird; LTD/Marquis; w/o Handling Susp. Cougar/Thunderbird; w/Handling Susp. Cougar/Thunderbird; w/o Handling Susp. Cougar/Thunderbird; w/o Susp Handling; TAG SPR-BT. Cougar/Thunderbird; w/o Susp Handling; Tag SPR-BZ. Cougar; 4 Cylinder; From 6/84. Cougar; 4 Cylinder; To 6/84. Cougar; 6 Cylinder; w/Handling Pkg; From 6/84. Cougar; 6 Cylinder; w/Handling Pkg; To 5/84. Cougar; 6 Cylinder; w/o Handling Pkg; From 6/84. Cougar; 6 Cylinder; w/o Handling Pkg; To 5/84. Cougar; 6 Cylinder; w/o Variable Asst.
Cougar. Thunderbird; 4.6L.