PartQualifier: w/10 way seat. Dune. Ft seat air bag. Kensington cloth. Leather W/PERFORATED suede. Limited. Long side. Milled pebble leather. Non-locking from 05/18/2010. Non-locking to 05/17/2010. Perforated Soho leather. Seat back. Seat cushion. Seat massage. Sel. Short side. Soho grain leather. Speck cloth. Stone. W/6 way seat. W/8 way seat. W/HEAT-COOLED. W/HEATED-COOLED. W/MANUAL lumbar. W/MEMORY. W/O heat.
charcoal black. Front Left. Headrest guide. Left.SE. LIMITED. PartQualifier: non-locking from 05/18/2010. PartQualifier: non-locking to 05/17/2010. SEL. SHO.